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Commercial Vehicle Cab Trim Line AGVCommercial Vehicle Cab Trim Line AGV

Commercial Vehicle Cab Trim Line AGV


This product is suitable for commercial vehicle trim lines, uses magnetic navigation guidance, and supports floor charging and online charging.  This equipment supports different cab models requirements, with a total length of 4002mm, meeting the installation requirements for front and rear glass, sun visors, and air intake ducts.  The operating speed is 0-30m/min, and the speed is adjustable.

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LGIM 2-Ton Piggyback Lift AGVLGIM 2-Ton Piggyback Lift AGV

LGIM 2-Ton Piggyback Lift AGV


This type of AGV has automatic lifting function, combined with AGV scheduling system, it can achieve autonomous pickup, autonomous transportation, and autonomous unloading, it is an automated logistics equipment.

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